Zeroizing (or resetting) an extension to its default setting can be a useful tool, especially when an extension is being given to a new user. Zeroizing is irreversible, so make sure the correct extension has been selected before confirming the process.

Zeroizing will:

Zeroizing will not:

How to Zeroize an Extension

  1. Login to the NocTel Control Panel
  2. Click on Extensions in the left-hand menu.

  3. Locate the extension that will be zeroed in the list, or search for it using the search box. Click on the Extension to open the extension's options page.
  4. Click the Permissions link under the extension name and number.

  5. On the User Permission tab click the “Zeroize extension” link located next to the Submit button.

  6. After clicking the link a new pop up window will appear asking you to confirm the zeroizing of the extension. Ensure it is the correct extension and click OK.

  7. The extension’s name will be changed to Zeroized Extension once complete.

Note: Zeroizing and extension can only be done on a single extension at a time, bulk zeroizing is not supported.

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