Skills are used to match an Agent to a call by a Queue. A Queue can require Agents to have a certain proficiency level in a skill, which is then used for comparison between the Agent’s skill(s) and proficiency versus the Queue’s configured skill(s) and proficiency. Skill Proficiency is a 1 to 9 scale with 9 being the most proficient in a skill, and includes a 0 used to indicate a skill is not possessed by an Agent or the skill is not pertinent to the Queue.

The Skills that a Queue will try to match are set in the Queue Edit page, or the New Queue page if setting up a new Queue. A list of all skills for the account will be shown under the Agent Skill Matching section. Each skill proficiency can be set using the drop-down list next to it.


When matching the call to an Agent, the Queue will look at the list of assigned agents and then look for which Agent best matches the needed skill proficiency for the call.  Agents with the closest proficiencies will be preferred over ones with lower. For example, if Agent 1 has a proficiency of 7 in skill “support” and Agent 2 has a proficiency of 4 in skill “support,” and the queue is requesting a skill proficiency of 5, the queue will give the call to the +2 agent rather than the -1 Agent. In our example, Agent 1 would be handed the call. This distribution logic ensures that if at all possible with the available Agents, an under qualified Agent is least likely to be offered a call and if not an exact match, the next best match is an overqualified Agent.

An agent’s Skill proficiency is set in Agent section of Flow on the New Agent or Agent Edit page.

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