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This guide assumes you are starting with factory default settings, If you need to restore to factory follow the followingstart from step one, otherwise you can skip to the zTerm step 8.

  1. Password Bypass
  •  Connect via console to the Adtran Unit
  •  Power Cycle Adtran Unit
  •  While it boots back up it will give you a count down in the console, you will have 5 seconds to hit the escape key. Do so.
  •  At the console, enter: bypass passwords
  •  At the console, enter: boot


        8. Repeat steps 4 - 6


      9. Create Trunk on Adtran

  • In your browser, navigate to http://YourLocalStaticIpForAdtran/main/voice/trunks/trunksMain.html
  • Click on add a new trunk account
  • Enter your trunk's name
  • The trunk type will be SIP
  • set the sip server ip to the NocTel server ip that the account soft trunk is on.
  • set the sip proxy server ip to the NocTel server ip that the account soft trunk is on.
  • Change the dial string source from "URI"   to  "to header"
  • Check the checkbox to header host type, set it to override domain
  • set the sip registrar address to the NocTel server ip that the account soft trunk is on.
  • set registration expire time to 60 seconds
  • set default authentication, user is the softrunk sip username password is the soft trunk sip password
  • set domain address as your public ip that the Adtran is on.
  • click the apply button at the bottom of the page.
  • click add register entry, the input box will open up towards the top of the page so scroll up. start value will be the soft trunk sip username. The authentication user will also be the soft trunk sip username and the password is the soft trunk sip password.
  • click the apply button at the bottom of the page

    10. Create a trunk group


  • Under the Voice tab, Under the stations section, select User accounts
  • Enter the extension number , select analog station as the type and select the fxs port that that the phone is plugged into, hit apply.
  • Repeat adding extensions for however many you need.

   12. Create a dial plan
  • Under the Voice tab, under the System setup tab, under the dial plan section.
  • 911 calling is enabled by default
  • Under dial plan parameters select 10 digit dialing and hit apply
  • Under dial plan templates (advanced), add new dial plan template
  • use the same template you made in step 10 ( for example XXX)
  • set the number type as extensions and hit apply

  13. Turn off the unsecured services
