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Presents each individual instance of Agent Redirect in tabular format. Each Agent Redirect is heat mapped to indicate how long the Agent was Redirected before recovering and able to receive inbound Queue calls again. The heat mapping is relative only to all Redirects rendered, and not tied to an arbitrary scale to evaluate duration. e.g.: an Agent Redirect in which the Agent took 5 minutes to recover will be the darkest shade compared to an Agent Redirection that took 10 seconds to recover that occurred within the same date interval specified.

No aggregation of Agent Redirections or analysis of Redirection durations, Redirect counts, etc. are performed in this report. Redirect durations are measured in minutes.


Talk Time


Plots Agent call talk time in tabular format. Reports the Average, Shortest, and Longest Talk Times over the date interval and date grouping per Agent. Calls Taken refers to the combined total of both Inbound and Outbound Calls. Calls Taken can be adjusted to only consider Inbound or Outbound calls by changing the Call Direction filter option. Take note that the Average, Shortest, and Longest Talk Times will consider all available calls relative to the Call Direction(s) specified in filtering. This means if both Inbound and Outbound calls are included, then the corresponding talk metrics will include both types of calls. If only Inbound Calls are considered, the corresponding metrics are produced using only Inbound Call data.

AHT in this context is synonymous with Average Talk Time. Depending on Call Direction filtering settings, some agents may display NULL values for rows (date groupings). This should be interpreted as zero values.

Heat mapping is applied to the call volume metrics and AHT. The heat mappings only apply column-wise and not overall. Therefore, Calls Taken heat mapping only concerns itself with all values found in rendered rows along the Calls Taken column. Heat mapping cannot be applied to the Talk Time metrics.

Note the option to select the <Abandoned> agent, which is a pseudo-agent used by the Flow system to capture callers who were in queue that hung up before speaking to an agent. The <Abandoned> agent's calls are optionally included to provide consistency in regard to total number of calls that reached Queues. Without the <Abandoned> agent being accounted for, reports that center around Agent behavior and performance will not add up to reporting based on the Queue perspective.


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Queue Assignment


A singular report which lists each pertinent Agent and which Queue(s) they are assigned to. This report will help identify gaps where an Agent may be assigned to a Queue which requires a Skill the Agent does not have to evoke correction by either removing the Agent from the Queue or setting the Agent with a Skill that was erroneously not set by a Supervisor.

The Skill Delta refers to how much of a gap exists between the Agent's Skill Level and what the corresponding Queue ideally requires. The optimal Skill Delta is zero indicating the Agent's Skill Level and Queue required Skill Level are an exact match. This plays a factor in best utilizing Agents relative to the variety of calls a given Queue may receive. A Queue that handles high technicality issues from callers should avoid having Agents assigned to the Queue who have a much lower than ideal Skill Level. Assigning less skilled Agents to such a Queue could result in poorer quality of support as well as much longer call times to assist.

