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Reports in tabular format the raw details of calls reaching Flow from NocTel Talk. Please take careful note that calls reported here are only calls that have successfully reached a Flow Queue. For example, if an organization uses a call menu (IVR) to prompt a caller to press 1 for English or 2 for Spanish then route the caller to the appropriate Queue based on their selection; callers who press 1 or 2 and then are transferred to NocTel Flow from NocTel Talk will be counted in this report as the call has successfully moved between services. Callers who hang up without pressing anything are not included in this report by virtue the caller did not complete the necessary handling steps to transition handling from NocTel Talk to NocTel Flow. Further discussion of this distinction is beyond scope of this documentation - please refer to the NocTel Talk and NocTel Flow documentation spaces.

Calls captured here are not processed on any aggregation and report only metrics relevant to each individual call in isolation. This report is intended to provide the equivalent raw data of calls reaching NocTel Flow to enable end users to perform their own further analysis beyond what is provided standard or requested custom.

Customers using NocTel Insight who have users or operations spread across different timezones have the ability to select the timestamp localization. For those who prefer a standardized timestamp, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is also an option.

Each row corresponding to a single call will report on the duration of time the caller waited in Queue before speaking to an available Agent, how long the Agent spoke with the caller, and if the caller abandoned while in Queue how long the caller waited before hanging up. Each of these metrics is measured in seconds. Queued Duration specifically pertains to when the caller has first been placed into Queue up to when the caller is presented to an available Agent. Talk Time specifically pertains to when the Agent answers an offered call up to when the Agent either hangs up or transfers the caller elsewhere. Therefore, the overall lifetime of the call should be considered Queued Duration plus Talk Time or Wait Time to Abandon depending on whether the call was answered or abandoned.


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