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titleCan I Subscribe to NocTel Insight by Itself?

You cannot sign your organization up for NocTel Insight without also being subscribed to another NocTel service such as Talk or Flow. NocTel Insight is the reporting platform for NocTel services and not intended as a "bring your own data" reporting analysis or business intelligence tool.

titleHow Do I Access NocTel Insight?

You can access NocTel Insight by navigating to and logging in with your NocTel Insight credentials. Navigational shortcut links will also be present in the NocTel Talk Control Panel as well as the Flow interface for manager and supervisor role users at a later time.

titleWhat Web Browsers Are Supported?

NocTel Insight has tested support for:

  • Safari
  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.x
  • Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based)

The following web browsers have not been tested or are not officially supported:

  • Microsoft
Edge (causes some display issues that are not convenient, no impact on basic usability)Microsoft
  • Internet Explorer prior to 11.x
  • Opera
  • Other lesser known/used and specialized web browsers, such as but not limited to:
    • Yahoo! Browser
    • Baidu
    • Silk (Amazon Kindle devices)
    • and others not listed here

If using an unsupported browser your experience may vary. We recommend using one of the officially supported web browsers whenever possible.

titleAre Is There a Native Mobile App?

No dedicated mobile app is available. NocTel Insight can be accessed the same as you would on a desktop workstation or laptop on a mobile device like a smartphone or tablet.

iOS and Android can pin web browser bookmarks to the home screen, so this can be used as a replacement for quick access as you would have with a dedicated app.

Experience using a mobile device's web browser with NocTel Insight may vary depending on the screen size of the device and what content is being viewed.

titleAre There Any Technical Requirements for Accessing NocTel Insight?

Aside from the recommendation of using a supported web browser above, the only requirement to using NocTel Insight is the device or system must have a stable - ideally, broadband - internet connection. Without a stable connection loss or disruption in connectivity may result in NocTel Insight being unable to load reports or producing partial data.

titleMy Password for Other NocTel Services Doesn't Let Me Into NocTel Insight

Credentials associated with other NocTel services like the NocTel Talk Control Panel, NocTel Flow (Dashboard), and NocTel Flow Reporting (deprecated) in addition to NocTel Insight have no relation to one another. Each of these is currently its own separate system. This means the credentials you use to log in to something like NocTel Flow Reporting will not be the same as NocTel Insight unless they happened to be set that way.

In the future we plan to implement SSO to allow one set of credentials to access each applicable service.

titleI Am a Regular User and Have Forgotten or Lost My Password

At the NocTel Insight login screen select "Forgot your password?" then enter the email address associated with your user. If you access NocTel Insight normally with but provide NocTel Insight cannot verify your identity in the service.your username

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Alternatively, you may contact your organization's NocTel Insight Site Manager user and request they reset your password for you or remind you of your username.  Resetting your NocTel Insight password does not affect any other NocTel services you may have access to, such as the NocTel Talk Control Panel.

titleI Am a Site Manager and Have Forgotten or Lost My Password

At the NocTel Insight login screen select "Forgot your password?" then enter the email address associated with your user. If you access NocTel Insight normally with but provide NocTel Insight cannot verify your identity in the service.username. Resetting your NocTel Insight password does not affect any other NocTel services you may have access to, such as the NocTel Talk Control Panel.

If the password reset fails or you do not recall your username, please contact NocTel Insight Support at for assistance.

titleI Tried to Reset My Password and Never Got a Reset Link Email

If you submitted a password recovery email and you didn't receive the reset email, generally one of two things are occurring:

  1. You submitted your email address. The password recovery mechanism requires your username.
  2. The email address associated with your username is incorrect or uses a different email address than you thought it was set to. If you believe this to be the case, file a support ticket to NocTel Insight Support informing us what email address should be associated with your username.
  3. Your organization's email virus scanning or blocking settings have misidentified automated emails from NocTel Insight ( and either placed the email into a spam folder or not allowed it to go through. If you believe this is the case, we recommend you reach out to your IT department and inquire.

If the reset email never arrives, please notify NocTel Insight Support ( with the associated account, your NocTel Insight username, and when - to your best recollection - a password reset was submitted. NocTel Support will attempt to contact your organization's IT department to debug.