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The reporting provided standard with NocTel Insight for NocTel Flow constitute the most common KPIs and metrics NocTel natively tracks. Please be aware the definitions used for NocTel Flow metrics and KPIs may differ from other vendors.


Please note that unless otherwise notedstated, each report has both an explicit date range and relative date range counterpart.


Table of Contents


Agent Focused Reporting

Agent Calls



Renders calls taken by the pertinent selected Agent(s) over the specified date interval as a stacked bar chart or tabular format. Hovering over any segment of the individual bars (date grouping) will provide stats relative to that single Agent and the date grouping in the bar chart counterpart. The tabular format forms a hierarchy of Agent=>Queue=>Date Grouping. To summarize the agent calls, it is recommended to simply adjust the date interval Zoom Level until there is one row per agent:queue:date grouping. 

The calls plotted only factor in calls Agents have answered or placed and do not represent calls the agent was offered but missed. The visualization uses a logarithmic scale on the y-axis to prevent very small values from being imperceptible when plotted with very large values. The Calls Taken field does not distinguish between calls that were offered and answered and calls that were offered but not answered (redirects).


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Status Activity


Renders status change activity occurring in Agents as a stacked bar chart. Depending on zoom level, each Agent may render a single bar or multiple bars to accommodate the date grouping. For example, if an agent has 5 consecutive days' worth of data, setting the date grouping zoom level to be "by week" will generally result in a single bar rendered with all of that agent's status activity data included. Changing the zoom level here to "by day" will produce five separate bars - one for each day containing only that day's worth of data.

For each Agent selected to report on, a total calculation of hours of presence for the statuses selected while be rendered. This is useful when you are viewing a larger date interval and want to see individual subgroupings' values (e.g.: pulling 2 weeks' worth of data broken out by day for 14 separate plots), but don't want to do the math by hand or adjust zoom level to see the total for that entire date interval.


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Agents who neglect to go Offline at the end of their shift may cause erratic data to be rendered. For example, an agent who finishes their shift on a Friday and does not return to duty until the following Monday leaves themselves themself in an Available status. This Available status would be ongoing until the following morning (48+ hours) when they return to duty and take a call from queue. Flow's backend makes no assumptions about agent status durations and will not log status changes until a new status change "closes out" the current status.

Therefore, agents who do not manage their statuses properly as well as supervisors who do not recognize or correct this behavior, may result in some report renderings showing excessively long status durations. NocTel will not correct these errors as it . It is your responsibility to manage Agents and their presence.



Whereas the Status Activity reporting above summarizes Agents' presence in Flow, Status Inspection reports provide a means of viewing individual status changes relative to the pertinent Agent(s) and Flow Status(es). These reports are commonly used to identify pattern bad behavior such as agents who may be transferring callers rather than addressing them (e.g.: very short Talking status durations), Agents who are not attentive and are missing calls offered to them (e.g.: Redirect statuses with long durations indicating the Agents themselves are not aware they missed a call), and Agents taking longer than standard Break or Lunches; to name a few examples.

The Status Durations are heat mapped to visually give an idea of whether or not particular instances are on one extreme or the other. This heat mapping is most effective when doing focused exploration on a particular Agent and a particular status. Agent Status Durations are measured in minutes.


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Agent Redirects


Plots Agent Redirects (offered calls that are not answered by the Agent) as a bar chart per agent over the specified date interval. While a tabular format may be easily portable to other tools, a visual analysis makes it clear very quickly which Agents have a distinct pattern of not answering offered calls. Like most other reports, the date grouping can be adjusted through zoom level to analyze more localized periods when problem Agents are not responding to calls.

The total number of redirects per Agent are plotted as a Total over the full interval to assist in qualifying the severity of pattern behavior. Do note that exporting this report to Excel (Crosstab) will contain all the same data as rendered if a tabular format is needed or further external analysis needs to be performed or integrated elsewhere.


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Redirect Details


Presents each individual instance of Agent Redirect in tabular format. Each Agent Redirect is heat mapped to indicate how long the Agent was Redirected before recovering and able to receive inbound Queue calls again. The heat mapping is relative only to all Redirects rendered, and not tied to an arbitrary scale to evaluate duration. e.g.: an Agent Redirect in which the Agent took 5 minutes to recover will be the darkest shade compared to an Agent Redirection that took 10 seconds to recover that occurred within the same date interval specified.

No aggregation of Agent Redirections or analysis of Redirection durations, Redirect counts, etc. are performed in this report. Redirect durations are measured in minutes.


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Talk Time


Plots Agent call talk time in tabular format. Reports the Average, Shortest, and Longest Talk Times over the date interval and date grouping per Agent. Calls Taken refers to the combined total of both Inbound and Outbound Calls. Calls Taken can be adjusted to only consider Inbound or Outbound calls by changing the Call Direction filter option. Take note that the Average, Shortest, and Longest Talk Times will consider all available calls relative to the Call Direction(s) specified in filtering. This means if both Inbound and Outbound calls are included, then the corresponding talk metrics will include both types of calls. If only Inbound Calls are considered, the corresponding metrics are produced using only Inbound Call data.

AHT in this context is synonymous with Average Talk Time. Depending on Call Direction filtering settings, some agents may display NULL values for rows (date groupings). These should be interpreted as zero values.

Heat mapping is applied to the call volume metrics and AHT. The heat mappings only apply column-wise and not overall. Therefore, Calls Taken heat mapping only concerns itself with all values found in rendered rows along the Calls Taken column. Heat mapping cannot be applied to the Talk Time metrics.

Note the option to select the <Abandoned> agent, which is a pseudo-agent used by the Flow system to capture callers who were in queue that hung up before speaking to an agent. The <Abandoned> agent's calls are optionally included to provide consistency in regard to total number of calls that reached Queues. Without the <Abandoned> agent being accounted for, reports that center around Agent behavior and performance will not add up to reporting based on the Queue perspective.


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Queue Assignment


A singular report which lists each pertinent Agent and which Queue(s) they are assigned to. This report will help identify gaps where an Agent may be assigned to a Queue which requires a Skill the Agent does not have to evoke correction by either removing the Agent from the Queue or setting the Agent with a Skill that was erroneously not set by a Supervisor.

The Skill Delta refers to how much of a gap exists between the Agent's Skill Level and what the corresponding Queue ideally requires. The optimal Skill Delta is zero indicating the Agent's Skill Level and Queue required Skill Level are an exact match. This plays a factor in best utilizing Agents relative to the variety of calls a given Queue may receive. A Queue that handles high technicality issues from callers should avoid having Agents assigned to the Queue who have a much lower than ideal Skill Level. Assigning less skilled Agents to such a Queue could result in poorer quality of support as well as much longer call times to assist.


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Agent Performance


Produces an overall evaluation of Agent attendance and responsiveness in a tabular format by Agent by date grouping. This report can be used to view detailed breakdowns of Agent performance as low as by the day, and rolled up to create an overall summary by zooming out to a Weekly, Monthly, etc. date grouping.

Total Logged In metrics refer to time spent by Agents in any Status indicating presence in Flow. This means Offline and Redirect Statuses are reasonably omitted from this metric. Time Not Ready indicates any Statuses - Statuses which may be unique to your organization - indicating an Agent is on duty, but in a Status they are unable to receive inbound calls from Queue or placing outbound calls on behalf of the contact center. A common such Status many Flow organizations use is "Not Available". Time Not Ready does not factor in Break or Lunch Statuses.

The Call metrics such as Total Calls Answered and Average Call Duration (Average Talk/Handle Time) are influenced by the filtering option to use both Inbound and Outbound Calls or only one or the other. Short Calls is an organization specific metric indicating calls that are too short to be considered valid, such as stipulating calls 5 or fewer seconds to be invalid. For Short Call evaluation, the time elapsed between when the Agent answered the call and hung up is used and not the time spent by the caller end to end to reach the agent. That is, only time spent by an Agent interfacing with a caller is considered.

% Busy is a simple aggregation by the row of the amount of time the Agent is considered productive in context of Flow. This means time the Agent spends in Talking or Outbound status. For organizations that use custom Statuses to indicate the Agent may be doing other productive activities external of NocTel Flow, the % Busy metric will not capture or qualify that time spent as it is not pertaining to the use of the phone system within the contact center. 

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Call Handling and Routing Reporting

Call Volume


Call Transfers

Raw Calls (to Flow)


Plots call volume as a stacked bar chart, line plot, or tabular format. Date groupings can be adjusted to be highly granular or coarse depending on need providing detailed or summary reporting.

Handling Disposition for filtering indicates what ultimately became of a call. Agent Hungup (Outbound) indicates an outbound placed call that has ended normally, Normal clearing indicates an inbound call from Queue that was answered and hung up normally by the handling agent, and Caller Abandoned indicates calls in which callers were placed in Queue waiting for an available Agent but hung up before any Agent became available.

The stacked bar chart and line plot counterparts will always render Call Volume per Queue on separate plots. These visualization styles are intended to be used for side-by-side comparative analysis of Call Volumes. Hovering a cursor over any point on these visualizations will bring up associated metrics corresponding to that particular point (e.g.: the day, week, etc. - however the date groupings are set per zoom level). Use the tabular format best representation of overall totals. 

Overall total for the entire date interval specified will be rendered. Bear in mind this will cause the y-axis to adjust accordingly.


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Call Transfers


Reports in tabular format the originating Queue a call arrived from or was placed out of that resulted in a Call Transfer by the Agent. The transfer destination - either as an existing Flow Directory entry or as an unknown number - is listed along with the number of times call transfers have been placed to the destination.

This report is intended to help Supervisors and Managers in contact centers identify additional phone numbers to add to their Flow Directory in order to help save Agents time dialing the transfer destination number and potential human error. If an Agent transfers their caller, there is a probability of human error resulting in the caller being sent to the completely wrong place.

Calls that are transferred to destinations that are not Flow Queues are captured here. Call transfers between Flow Queues are not tracked.


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Raw Calls


Reports in tabular format the raw details of calls reaching Flow from NocTel Talk. Please take careful note that calls reported here are only calls that have successfully reached a Flow Queue. For example, if an organization uses a call menu (IVR) to prompt a caller to press 1 for English or 2 for Spanish then route the caller to the appropriate Queue based on their selection; callers who press 1 or 2 and then are transferred to NocTel Flow from NocTel Talk will be counted in this report as the call has successfully moved between services. Callers who hang up without pressing anything are not included in this report by virtue the caller did not complete the necessary handling steps to transition handling from NocTel Talk to NocTel Flow. Further discussion of this distinction is beyond scope of this documentation - please refer to the NocTel Talk and NocTel Flow documentation spaces.

Calls captured here are not processed on any aggregation and report only metrics relevant to each individual call in isolation. This report is intended to provide the equivalent raw data of calls reaching NocTel Flow to enable end users to perform their own further analysis beyond what is provided standard or requested custom.

Customers using NocTel Insight who have users or operations spread across different timezones have the ability to select the timestamp localization. For those who prefer a standardized timestamp, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is also an option.

Each row corresponding to a single call will report on the duration of time the caller waited in Queue before speaking to an available Agent, how long the Agent spoke with the caller, and if the caller abandoned while in Queue how long the caller waited before hanging up. Each of these metrics is measured in seconds. Queued Duration specifically pertains to when the caller has first been placed into Queue up to when the caller is presented to an available Agent. Talk Time specifically pertains to when the Agent answers an offered call up to when the Agent either hangs up or transfers the caller elsewhere. Therefore, the overall lifetime of the call should be considered Queued Duration plus Talk Time or Wait Time to Abandon depending on whether the call was answered or abandoned.

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