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titleBar Charts With Subgroup Color Banding Sometimes Use the Same Color in the Legend for Different Unique Subgroups

This is expected behavior. NocTel Insight limits to 20 distinct colors on a legend to values, so when the legend is tied to a very large set of unique values that are tied to a legend color this results in colors being reused. The color assignment in legend to the value is done randomly.

While reusing colors for values on a legend are undesirable and can result in the same color being rendered for two different values next to one another, it is generally not a good practice to display a very large number of legend coded values. We recommend you filter down the data set - especially when looking at larger trends.

titleThe Bar Size in Bar Charts Isn't Scaled Evenly

This is expected behavior. Since filtering and setting parameters can cause the explicit value range to vary wildly, using a linear scale on the Y-Axis can cause smaller values to be completely imperceptible on the report visualization. In most cases NocTel Insight uses logarithmic scaling of the Y-Axis so that the largest values in the data set are still very prominent, but the smaller values are not completely crowded out. On the Y-Axis this causes the tick mark scaling to not be consistent groupings like 1,000 → 2,000 → 3,000 and so on. You will likely see scaling like 0 → 10 → 100 → 1000 → 5000 → 10000 and so on.

NocTel Insight scales the Y-Axis in respect to the smallest and largest values in the resulting data set.

titleThe Y-Axis Scaling When Displaying Multiple Charts is Not Always on the Same Scale

This is expected behavior. When plotting multiple metrics in the same view with their own dedicated chart, it often does not make sense to use a fixed uniform Y-Axis scale across them all. In the event one chart plots on a much larger scale than all the others (effectively being an outlier of the group), using a uniform scale all the other group member charts could become imperceptible. By having independent Y-Axes for each such chart, you can still interpret the same data patterns while being able to view each member well individually.

In the case of dual axis visualizations, the Y-Axis is synchronized between both plots expressed on the same plane. When one plot's Y-Axis values are considerably larger than the other's it will cause a "smooshing" effect of the lesser plot's values causing potentially dramatic rendering. This is normal and intentional as dual axis visualizations are intended to show the correlated relationship between two metrics that calculate different things but have a shared property (generally on the X-Axis, which is usually time interval). 

titleThere Are Sometimes NULL Values in the Filter Options - Should I Be Concerned About Missing Data?

NULL values in some columns and filters are nothing to be worried about, though it's understandable to be concerned. Due to the use of multiple data sources in more reports, NocTel Insight uses a technique known as blending to take data from different origins and present it as a single unified data set. This is very similar at a larger scale to performing joins in SQL.

When blending occurs, rows that have values for some columns may not have a corresponding column to link with. When this happens there's only one half of the potential data that gets presented, so the missing half (or more) that couldn't be linked on is presented back as a NULL. Given this, you can think of such NULLs as being equivalent to "Not Applicable" or "Not Available".

titleAre NULL Values Included in Visualizations?

It depends. For map-based visualizations NocTel Insight will not display any data points in which it cannot at a minimum determine a valid lat/long value or if the geocoordinate typed data does not result in a unique lat/long value. Attempting to map data points with incomplete data can result in grossly inaccurate attribution. For example, consider a data point that simply has "Portland, United States". Without a ZIP code or a state, there are multiple cities named Portland within the US this could be.

In visualizations that are not map-based, NULL values may be included though in many cases NULL values are reformatted or renamed in a more friendly manner such as "N/A".

titleCan Users Have Personalized Dashboards Created?

Personalized Dashboards fall under the same conditions as custom reporting and carry the same terms. If a personalized or custom dashboard is implemented, it can be set for the specific user (or users) to be their default page that is loaded after successfully logging into NocTel Insight. See Custom Reporting for more info.

titleI Want to Jump to a Specific Report or Dashboard After Logging In

This can be setup if you are a licensed user. After logging in navigate to the content you wish to use as your default and open it. Once the report or dashboard has loaded, click your profile icon found in the upper right hand corner and then select Make This My Start Page.

If you wish to revert back to the Account default, this can be done anytime by clicking your account profile icon and selecting My Account Settings then selecting "Reset to Default" under the Start Page section.

titleAre Date Selections Inclusive?
