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A singular report which lists each pertinent Agent and which Queue(s) they are assigned to. This report will help identify gaps where an Agent may be assigned to a Queue which requires a Skill the Agent does not have to evoke correction by either removing the Agent from the Queue or setting the Agent with a Skill that was erroneously not set by a Supervisor.

The Skill Delta refers to how much of a gap exists between the Agent's Skill Level and what the corresponding Queue ideally requires. The optimal Skill Delta is zero indicating the Agent's Skill Level and Queue required Skill Level are an exact match. This plays a factor in best utilizing Agents relative to the variety of calls a given Queue may receive. A Queue that handles high technicality issues from callers should avoid having Agents assigned to the Queue who have a much lower than ideal Skill Level. Assigning less skilled Agents to such a Queue could result in poorer quality of support as well as much longer call times to assist.


Agent Performance


Produces an overall evaluation of Agent attendance and responsiveness in a tabular format by Agent by date grouping. This report can be used to view detailed breakdowns of Agent performance as low as by the day, and rolled up to create an overall summary by zooming out to a Weekly, Monthly, etc. date grouping.

Total Logged In metrics refer to time spent by Agents in any Status indicating presence in Flow. This means Offline and Redirect Statuses are reasonably omitted from this metric. Time Not Ready indicates any Statuses - Statuses which may be unique to your organization - indicating an Agent is on duty, but in a Status they are unable to receive inbound calls from Queue or placing outbound calls on behalf of the contact center. A common such Status many Flow organizations use is "Not Available". Time Not Ready does not factor in Break or Lunch Statuses.

The Call metrics such as Total Calls Answered and Average Call Duration (Average Talk/Handle Time) are influenced by the filtering option to use both Inbound and Outbound Calls or only one or the other. Short Calls is an organization specific metric indicating calls that are too short to be considered valid, such as stipulating calls 5 or fewer seconds to be invalid. For Short Call evaluation, the time elapsed between when the Agent answered the call and hung up is used and not the time spent by the caller end to end to reach the agent. That is, only time spent by an Agent interfacing with a caller is considered.

% Busy is a simple aggregation by the row of the amount of time the Agent is considered productive in context of Flow. This means time the Agent spends in Talking or Outbound status. For organizations that use custom Statuses to indicate the Agent may be doing other productive activities external of NocTel Flow, the % Busy metric will not capture or qualify that time spent as it is not pertaining to the use of the phone system within the contact center. 

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Call Handling and Routing Reporting
