Talk Basics

Check out our quick reference guides! We have one for all the Polycom models we support that details essential functions and info.

If you know your current password, you can change it in the user settings section. Check out our changing your account password guide for our in-depth guide.

Our support team can not reset a user password. To reset your password use the Forgot Password link located under the user login. 

International dialing must be enabled in the account and for the extensions, you are using before an international call can be made. 

Use the following format for international dialing: Account Exit Code + US Exit Code (011) + Country Code + Local Telephone Number

Caller ID names are linked to phone numbers in your account and extensions can use any phone number in the account for its outbound caller ID. Changes to an extensions caller ID can be made on the extensions options page using the caller ID widget.

Caller ID names (also called CNAM) are connected to phone numbers in your account. Each phone number can have a 15 character name (including spaces). The name and numbers are displayed when you make an outbound call to a user that has caller ID. You can view the current caller ID name and request a change in the Number tab on a number's option page. Check out or caller ID guide for more information. 


Check out or voicemail guide for enabling voicemail and in-depth details. To set up a greeting and PIN for an extension with voicemail already enabled, press the voicemail key or dial *38, and the system will guide you through the setup.

You will need to reach out to your account admin to have them change this. Admins can change the PIN using the voicemail widget located on the extension's options page.

You can listen to the message envelope, which includes the time and date of the call, by pressing 5 during the message playback. Once the envelope is played the message will restart. Check out the voicemail chart for a list of all menu options.


Yes, to certain countries. Check out our international faxing guide for the complete country list and guide.