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titleWelcome to the NocTel documentation platform!

This is the home page for the NocTel hosted VoIP service documentation.


Create a NocTel account

Purchase a phone number

This is a collection of support documents that will walk you through setting up and maintaining your NocTel account.

Setting up balance notifications

reports calls made funds account

Inviting a new user to the control panel

your extension mobile phoneReceiving a fax faxSetting up voicemail for your extension

Dialing international numbers

voicemail from your web browser

Physically connecting a VoIP phone to your network


I'd do multiple lists of topics, so we can gather into each use-case the topics most relevant to them…    Quick Start Index for Individual Users of an Existing Account.   Quick Start Index for Owners of Medium to Large Sized Businesses.    Quick Start Index for Small or Home Businesses.

I'd make the first list in each of those sections the order they are likely to encounter things during a new setup situation.     I'd also make a Glossary sort of area that gives one or two sentences each on all the important terminology used throughout our system so they can figure out where to look something up alphabetically 

The second section in each of those should be usage (after setup is complete), so nothing involving changing any settings, stuff about dialing, how to find logn distance rates, how to check voicemail online or via phone.   how to send and receive faxes.      And I'd make more of a FAQ to cover the edge cases — things that are odd questions that aren't part of the normal set up phase.

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Customer Support

Technical support for your service is included and we’re happy to assist with any questions or comments you may have. 

Our hours are Monday – Friday, 6am – 6pm PST and we can be reached by one of the following methods:

  1. E-mail us anytime at
  2. Call from any phone by dialing our local support line:

Portland, OR: +1 503.764.4300

Toll-Free: +1 888.400.4521 

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