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titleI Keep Having to Change the Filter Values for Reports I Frequently Look Up or Reference

This is exactly the problem that Views solve! Views are associated with a user individually and multiple Views can be created for the same report. A View defines all the filter, parameter, and Zoom Level selections and remembers it. This means if you want to jump between different views of the same report without needing to manually change filters, etc. you can make a View for each relevant way you want to view the report.

Additionally, you can set a View to be the default way the report is displayed to you specifically.

titleWhy Do Tabular Reports Not Sort Like Excel?

NocTel Insight's tabular reports look a lot like Excel or spreadsheet applications present. However, NocTel Insight is smarter in that it wants to implicitly group data together - this is done based on the order of columns in a report. For example, consider a report that has the following unique columns: ID, Hire Date, Departure Date, Salary, Person, and Department.

If you were to lay out a tabular report in NocTel Insight ordering these columns specifically in the order of Department, Salary, Person, ID, Hire Date, Departure Date then if you sorted on Salary, the sort would be performed relative to Department. Suppose we had the following data:

IT65,000Misha Mansoor
IT62,000Paul Gilbert
Finance57,000John Petrucci
Finance72,000Mark Holcomb

If you performed that sort descending by Salary you would end up with the following result:

IT65,000Misha Mansoor
IT62,000Paul Gilbert
Finance72,000Mark Holcomb
Finance57,000John Petrucci

Not the order you'd normally expect in Excel, but it occurred because NocTel Insight implicitly groups like values within columns and forms bucket subgroups. This means the salary sort was performed relative to each unique grouping of Department and did not agnostically look at the overall data in the set. Whereas Excel is happy to take any arbitrary column and sort everything relative just to that column, NocTel Insight does not have the same sort of looseness. This is much less of a problem in visual reports since plots like bars are actually an aggregation of something that's been visually bucketed. For example, revenues would be plotted in blue, operating expenses in orange, and profit margin in green. Sorting simply on "order all the values of the data set by revenue descending" is not a very useful action since it emphasizes just the revenue column and doesn't give a clear relationship to the other columns in the same row or at large.

If you were to take the following data and try to sort it in the same way, you would end up the exact same result:

Development65,000Misha Mansoor
IT62,000Paul Gilbert
Marketing57,000John Petrucci
Software72,000Mark Holcomb

Why? Because Department is our leftmost column that all the other columns are expected to be relative to (e.g.: Salary relative to Department) having unique values for each Department across all our rows means the subgroups NocTel Insight creates all consist of just one row. A bucket of a single row is already technically sorted.

If you require sorting on tabular data we recommend you perform an export to Excel (Crosstab) and perform the desired sorting there.

titleIn Bar Chart Visualizations the Value Labels Are Sometimes Not Consistent in Their Orientation

This is expected behavior. NocTel Insight will automatically change the orientation of labels relative to the web browser size and the monitor resolution. When there are many subtotal values and the web browser size is small, NocTel Insight may hide the smaller values to prevent cluttering the interface. In most cases, you can hover your cursor over such values (if they can be distinguished visibly) and a tooltip will display showing detailed information about the highlighted value.


titleThe Number of Billables for My Organization's Invoice Does Not Match the Reporting Data

NocTel Insight reporting data is not intended for billing purposes and does not reflect any applied charges or their effective rates that can vary by organization. This disclaimer is often stated in reports where operational data and analysis could be misconstrued for billing data.

Account and service billing data greatly differs from NocTel Insight's analysis of operational data in several important ways:

  • Usage billing for NocTel Talk is performed per minute per call. For example, a call that is 2:31 in duration is billed as 3 minutes because that call was halfway through a third minute in duration.
  • Direct type calls on NocTel Talk (extension to extension dials) are typically not billed. Records of direct calls are important from an operational standpoint, but generally do not have any presence when billing service usage. In an organization that does 80% of all calls as Direct extension dials, examining the overall minutes versus what was billed for minutes used would result in a highly lopsided calculation.
  • NocTel Insight data can include deleted Extensions on the account to have a window into historical data. Billing only considers what's valid for the billing cycle.
  • NocTel Insight reports generally allow great flexibility with date ranges - either explicit start/end dates or a relative range. This means using a strict range of 90 days or "This Month" in reports will generally cover multiple billing cycles or a partial billing cycle.