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Queue Assignment


A singular report which lists each pertinent Agent and which Queue(s) they are assigned to. This report will help identify gaps where an Agent may be assigned to a Queue which requires a Skill the Agent does not have to evoke correction by either removing the Agent from the Queue or setting the Agent with a Skill that was erroneously not set by a Supervisor.

The Skill Delta refers to how much of a gap exists between the Agent's Skill Level and what the corresponding Queue ideally requires. The optimal Skill Delta is zero indicating the Agent's Skill Level and Queue required Skill Level are an exact match. This plays a factor in best utilizing Agents relative to the variety of calls a given Queue may receive. A Queue that handles high technicality issues from callers should avoid having Agents assigned to the Queue who have a much lower than ideal Skill Level. Assigning less skilled Agents to such a Queue could result in poorer quality of support as well as much longer call times to assist.


Agent Performance

Call Volume (numerous)
