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Whereas the Status Activity reporting above summarizes Agents' presence in Flow, Status Inspection reports provide a means of viewing individual status changes relative to the pertinent Agent(s) and Flow Status(es). These reports are commonly used to identify pattern bad behavior such as agents who may be transferring callers rather than addressing them (e.g.: very short Talking status durations), Agents who are not attentive and are missing calls offered to them (e.g.: Redirect statuses with long durations indicating the Agents themselves are not aware they missed a call), and Agents taking longer than standard Break or Lunches; to name a few examples.

The Status Durations are heat mapped to visually give an idea of whether or not particular instances are on one extreme or the other. This heat mapping is most effective when doing focused exploration on a particular Agent and a particular status.


Agent Redirects



Plots Agent Redirects (offered calls that are not answered by the Agent) as a bar chart per agent over the specified date interval. While a tabular format may be easily portable to other tools, a visual analysis makes it clear very quickly which Agents have a distinct pattern of not answering offered calls. Like most other reports, the date grouping can be adjusted through zoom level to analyze more localized periods when problem Agents are not responding to calls.

The total number of redirects per Agent are plotted as a Total over the full interval to assist in qualifying the severity of pattern behavior. Do note that exporting this report to Excel (Crosstab) will contain all the same data as rendered if a tabular format is needed or further external analysis needs to be performed or integrated elsewhere.


Image Added

Redirect Details

Talk Time
