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  1. What Are Queues

      about queues queue kb-how-to-article … . In the Flow interface, Manager users can create a Queue, assign it a name, select the skills needed by Agents to accept queued calls, set the Agent distribution
    Flow DocumentationOct 18, 2017
  2. Adding Account Information

    to edit the macro and add or change labels. Related issues   account information kb-how-to-article setup … When first setting up a Flow account the user should first enter some basic information. Information entered here such as Account Description and Timezone
    Flow DocumentationOct 31, 2017
  3. Adding Skills

    you select. Click to edit the macro and add or change labels. Related issues   skills setup adding kb-how-to-article … -level function. Creating/Adding a Skill Using the Flow domain provided, access the interface with Manager credentials. Click Setup in the left-hand menu
    Flow DocumentationOct 31, 2017
  4. How NocTel and Flow Work Together

    fow ivr kb-how-to-article … Overview Flow is an extension of NocTel that provides all of the tools that a contact center needs integrated with an easy to use web interface. NocTel
    Flow DocumentationOct 18, 2017
  5. Skills and Proficiency

    on the labels you select. Click to edit the macro and add or change labels. Related issues   about skills proficiency kb-how-to-article … in Agent section of Flow on the New Agent or Agent Edit page. Screen Shot 2017-10-18 at 2.08.19 PM.png If new skills are added to the contact center, they become
    Flow DocumentationOct 23, 2017
  6. Call Priority and Escalation

    select. Click to edit the macro and add or change labels. Related issues   about priority escalation kb-how-to-article … A call’s priority helps determine how soon it is offered to an available Agent in a Queue. Calls with higher priorities are sent to Agents first. In the case
    Flow DocumentationOct 23, 2017
  7. Supervisor and Manager Login

    manager login supervisor kb-how-to-article … Supervisor and Manager users can log into Flow without logging in to an extension to make changes and monitor and monitor queues and calls. Supervisors can
    Flow DocumentationOct 23, 2017
  8. Agent Status

    . Related issues   using status agent kb-how-to-article … update their status by: Clicking on their name in the upper or the Flow logo left corner of the interface. Click on any of the available status options
    Flow DocumentationDec 06, 2018
  9. Removing a Component

    appear here based on the labels you select. Click to edit the macro and add or change labels. Related issues   using removing deleting kb-how … The main components within Flow, such as Queues, Skills, Teams, Agents, Users, and Phone Numbers can be removed by a similar process. Removing a component
    Flow DocumentationOct 18, 2017
  10. Agent Click-to-Transfer

    and add or change labels. Related issues agent kb-how-to-article call_handling status_management … Click-to-Transfer describes the NocTel Flow feature agents use to transfer calls from themselves to other Queues or possibly directly to a different individual
    Flow DocumentationDec 10, 2019